Animation | Digital Painting | Illustration | Photography | Typography | Sketch | Vector Design | Wacom Tablet
Animation | Digital Painting | Illustration | Photography | Typography | Sketch | Vector Design | Wacom Tablet
Welcome to my Desmo Art website, my name is Daniël Tiemissen and I am a freelance Designer and owner of Desmo Design Studio.
I am a driven and curious person by nature, so naturally I have taught myself many diffrent creative techniques. I started putting my art on a range of products to share with the world. If you see my Art sold anywhere else other than the shops links that I provided on this websites shop page, please report this to me.
Nothing makes me happier than having somebody find something that matches their taste and style, this is the one of the main reason for me for doing this. This way I can show you my other skills, and it works well with my other client projects from desmodesign.nl.
Nothing makes me happier than having somebody find something that matches their taste and style, this is the one of the main reason for me for doing this. This way I can show you my other skills, and it works well with my other client projects from desmodesign.nl.
You can also commission me to make art for you.
Depending on size, style and direction I can estimate the amount of time it will take me to create commissioned art for you. Feel free to leave your ideas or question in the contact form below, I will reply as quickly as possible.
Depending on size, style and direction I can estimate the amount of time it will take me to create commissioned art for you. Feel free to leave your ideas or question in the contact form below, I will reply as quickly as possible.
Thank you!